Similar words: in the shape of, in the short run, in the soup, in the same way, in the same boat, man in the street, in the strict sense, in the second place.
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91. A closely related variety of chalcedony, sard , differs only in the shade of red.
92. Light: Grow jade vine in full sun with some shade at midday. It performs best where its roots are in the shade and its top in the sun.
93. Why deny myself physical gratification if I could just instead ? sport with Amaryllis in the shade or with the tangles of Neaera's hair?
94. One sun-drenched day in July, some members sprawled in the shade near the church patio where cacao has been dried for centuries, taking a nap.
95. Taking a bottle of iced water from the fridge, I plonked myself down in the shade under a plane tree.
96. At that point Jrgensen and I paused in the shade of a cottonwood to rest.
97. She was sitting in the shade of a big olive tree.
98. What is the good of a sundial in the shade?
99. Pure. Natural. Unspoiled. Iceland. The Way Life Should Be. Sicilia. Everything else is in the shade Estonia. Positively Transforming...
100. Plants in the mint family do well in the shade, and leafy green vegetables like spinach are also shade tolerant.
101. For the season grows heavy with its fullness, and there is a plaintive shepherd's pipe in the shade.
102. In the shade of their tent, members of a Tuareg family doze through midday heat near Timbuktu in drought-stricken Mali.
103. In the morning, we wake up late and have a lazy breakfast in the shade of the 8)bright purple9)jacaranda tree as butterflies dance around us.
104. Some might consider photos taken in the shade as appearing too flat, for example, if indirect light scatters in from everywhere.
105. One can walk in the shade of the arcade when the sun is hot.
106. A pair of oxen lies to the right of the hut in the shade of a jacaranda tree.
107. But between times come days when the weather is absolutely perfect, blue and diamond clear, cool as a young leaf in the shade, warm as new milk in the sun.
108. In Asia, the hardy kiwi grows well in the shade.
109. They had heard so very little of this; yet it was enough to build up wretched dolorous dreams upon, there in the shade of the night.
110. For the season grows heavy with its fulness, and there is a plaintive shepherd's pipe in the shade.
111. My patio has always been in the shade; a very cool spot in suer.
112. Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted, thatched lowlands of the Mekong River valley.
113. The floor was of smooth, white stone; the chairs, high-backed, primitive structures, painted green: one or two heavy black ones lurking in the shade.
114. Thomas Hudson put the drink down in the shade and stood up.
115. Squatting in the shade of a neem tree, he heated a piece of iron until it glowed, then positioned it on an anvil with tongs while Pooni, her feet planted wide, flattened it with a sledgehammer.
116. For the season grows and there is a plaintive shepherd's pipe in the shade.
117. The inquisitive were shooed away by five young guards who lolled in the shade of a litchi tree.
118. Archaeologists have found broad-brimmed hats with a hole in the middle which were probably used to lighten hair while keeping skin in the shade so that it would remain pale.
119. Our record of slum - clearance cast other cities in the shade.
120. Here they would pay their respects to the gods before embarking on a 12-mile walk that began in the shade of towering cryptomeria trees and on a path lined by stone lanterns.
More similar words: in the shape of, in the short run, in the soup, in the same way, in the same boat, man in the street, in the strict sense, in the second place, fresh air, foreshadow, steal the show, call the shots, take shape, close shave, shade, a close shave, file sharing, foreshadowing, comradeship, bangladesh, fly in the ointment, a fly in the ointment, flesh and blood, preference share, synthesis, on the spot, on the side, synthesize, parentheses, parenthesis.